10 ways to reduce condensation in your home
06 October 2022
Condensation is a common issue in many homes. Typically taking place in the bathroom or kitchen, this humid process usually goes on without issue, but in some instances, condensation can lead to damp and other more concerning problems. So, to help you avoid problems later down the road, we’ve compiled our top tips for minimising condensation.
What causes condensation?
Condensation happens when warm air collides with a cold surface, or there’s too much humidity in the air and creates water, which then collects as droplets on cool surfaces. This process might seem more noticeable in the colder months when your central heating is used more.
While condensation itself isn’t an issue, if left untreated, it can cause damp patches to form where mould can grow. In turn, mould can cause a range of health problems as well as damage to the structure of your home.
Ways to reduce condensation in your home
1. Close bathroom and kitchen doors
Kitchens and bathrooms are typically the biggest culprits for condensation. When cooking food, taking a shower, or even boiling a kettle – ensure your bathroom or kitchen door is kept closed to prevent moisture from travelling to colder rooms.
2. Drying clothes outside
We know that it’s not always possible, but when it is, try to dry your clothes outdoors. Outdoor drying will help prevent excess moisture from building up in your home. If outdoor drying isn’t possible for you, we’d recommend keeping your clothing in the bathroom with the door closed and the windows open.
3. Move furniture away from external walls
If possible, move your furniture at least 50mm away from external walls to circulate air freely, preventing humid environments. It’s also a clever idea to place wardrobes against internal walls, which are more likely to be warm, to prevent possible mould problems.
4. Vent your washing machine correctly
It’s no secret that washing machines and tumble dryers can create a lot of moisture in the air, so if you own either one, it’s important to ensure they’re ventilated properly. Just one load of washing can cause up to two litres of water to be emitted into the air.
If your washing machine lives in your kitchen, the problem only increases while cooking - ensuring your laundry appliances are correctly ventilated is vital to a condensation-free home.
5. Use your extractor fan while showering
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that a hot, steaming shower or bath is bound to cause condensation on your cold bathroom tiles. So, to avoid an unnecessary amount of moisture in the air, turning on your extractor fan is a great idea. The fan removes excess humidity in the air before it gets the chance to settle on cold surfaces, creating the dreaded condensation.
6. Wipe down cold surfaces
If you don’t have an extractor fan in your bathroom or kitchen, then try to wipe down any cold surfaces when you’ve been cooking or taking a shower. This will remove any moisture that may have settled on the surface. This extra moisture in the air can collect on cold surfaces and can quickly lead to mould if left untreated.
7. Don’t overload your wardrobes and cupboard
Overfilling your wardrobes or kitchen cupboards can cause a lack of ventilation and air moisture to be trapped. This supplies the perfect breeding ground for mould due to the lack of fresh air circulating. If your cupboards or wardrobes are overloaded, you might notice a musty scent or find your clothes have a damp texture. Try reducing the number of items in your storage spaces to avoid condensation collecting.
8. Open your windows in the summer
If you use a room regularly (such as your living room) and the weather is warm outside, open a window slightly to improve ventilation. Unbelievably, breathing is a contributing factor in condensation, so an open window will improve the ventilation in your home.
9. Use saucepan lids while cooking
While cooking, try covering your pans with their respective lids to reduce moisture from boiling water entering the air. Using an extractor hood or fan can also reduce moisture in the air.
But remember not to turn off your extractor fan or hood right after cooking, moisture can still be in the air even once you’ve finished. Instead, leave it on for 10-15 minutes after to remove the humid air.
10. Stop using portable gas and paraffin heaters
Did you know that gas bottle and paraffin heaters produce a lot more moisture as well as toxic fumes? Not only does this form of heat cause excess condensation in your home, but it’s also a health and safety hazard that is stated as a banned item in most tenancy agreements.
In conclusion
We hope you found this information useful.
Remember, if you’re still having issues with a managed property, you can contact Places for People.
If you are not a Places for People customer, we do recommend using a reputable website to find a suitable tradesperson such as Checkatrade, TrustMark or Trust a Trader.
In the meantime, why not check out some of our other how-to-guides and insightful blogs?
The Energy Saving Trust recommends heating your home to between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius during winter. The World Health Organisation (WHO) suggests 18 degrees is the ideal temperature for healthy people.