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If you are thinking of taking on an apprentice, you need to be sure you have a training provider that is able to guide you through the process and add value to your business from the outset.​

That's what we at PfP Thrive will do for you. We will work with you to determine what your apprentices' individual learning plan will look like so that at the end of the programme, you can be confident that you have a fully rounded employee who is not only competent at carrying out the day job, but does so in a way which aligns to your Values, your Customers and your Business. They will hit the ground running.  We build skills. We build knowledge. We shape futures.​

When your apprentice arrives at our state-of-the-art training facility in Derby, they will not only have access to the tools and materials of the trade, they will be taught  in an engaging and informative way by a group of industry experts. They'll then get the chance to put their learning in to practice, with access to online tools and resources, 121 observations, coaching and feedback with our team and with guidance from your own team of experts.

We will help them to build their personal development plan and work with you to set out how they will bring this alive via their own portfolio of evidence. 

Why use PfP Thrive for your apprentices?

State of the art facilities

Your apprentice will join us at our world-class training facility in Derby.  ​

On the ground floor, we have practical learning bays for all our trade apprenticeship training. These include areas for Electrical, Maintenance, Plumbing and Carpentry, where learners can practise the essential skills required for their roles. Each bay is equipped with the latest tools, facilities, and products. These bays are designed to replicate a customer’s home, providing real-life examples of how to combine customer service with home maintenance. 

Expert facilitators and support

Our PfP Thrive Tutor Team have done the job. They’ve supervised and managed others who do the job. Some might say they've even got the T-Shirt!​

What that means is they can help add the value you're looking for other than the technical competency. They know, they get it.​

The team also excel in the craft of facilitating learning and will provide an engaging and inspiring programme whether this is through workshops, practical assignments or coaching.

Tailored and flexible learning

An apprentice will need to learn the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed to pass their end point assessment and become qualified.​

But what about your Company Values? Or your People and Customer promises? What about being successful in your Culture?​

What about personal development skills such as how to craft a CV, how to email a colleague, how to deal with a Customer in distress?​

We already have these modules as standard. And we can work with you to further shape the right programme for you.​

Be part of something special

We all know there's a national skills shortage in the UK when it comes to the sorts of trades you offer.​

We know there are people who want to learn as they earn and in return give back something to their local community.​

By taking on an apprentice and by choosing us as your training provider, together we can close that skills shortage, we can help people shape their careers and we can boost communities.​

Build skills, shape futures.

How they work

Apprenticeships are a vocational qualification which is delivered whilst the apprentice is employed. As a result, they learn through off the job learning e.g. classroom training and workshops, coaching and practical assignments and also through on the job learning, completing the day-to-day job role and its duties. Typically they spend 80% of their time working and are required to spend at least 20% of their time 'off the job learning'.

For the duration of the qualification, apprentices are supported in two ways.​

Employer responsibilities:​

  • You will pay their wage​.
  • Support them to gain experience through being on the job​.
  • Allow them time to study.​

We, the training provider will:​

  • Deliver the theory and facilitate practice to help them achieve the qualification. This will take place at either our PFP Thrive Academy, in Derby, or at one of our partnership sites. This may be either a 1-2 day face to face workshop or a week long block release which will comprise of theory and practical input and assessment.​
  • Help them prepare for their end point assessment, usually a professional discussion, a portfolio of evidence and potentially observations and multiple choice assessments. ​
  • Provide additional support for your apprentices through 121 observations, coaching and feedback which may take place virtually or out in the field.​
  • Provide access to our complimentary suite of Power Hour modules, pre-recorded and live webinars on topics that will support their personal development plan.​

What does it cost?​

If you're a levy paying employer, the cost of the training provision is paid for via your levy pot.​

If you're not a levy paying employer, then the government levy will cover 95% of the cost of the training. You'll just need to cover the remaining 5%. Talk to us about this and how we can explore alternative funding options for you.​