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Samantha Pixley: A voice for the Community

Samanthas Story

Community isn't just what we do, it's who we are. It's woven into our values and most importantly, our People. One such person is Samantha Pixley, a Customer Service Advisor, from the Customer Hub, who goes above and beyond her role to embody the true spirit of Community.  

Samantha plays a vital role in our Contact Centre, assisting Customers with everything from home repairs and advocating for them. But her commitment to our Communities extends far beyond her day-to-day duties.

“I work in the Contact Centre, helping Customers get repairs raised for their properties and being their voice,” Samantha explains. “I’m also part of the Community pillar we have internally. There are so many people that need support, and it upsets me that I can’t help them all.”

Samantha’s passion for helping others recently led her to spearhead a project close to her heart: tackling period poverty. What started as a simple idea to provide care bags for women quickly expanded into a mission to help as many people as possible.

“The alarming statistics around period poverty inspired me to choose care bags,” says Samantha. “I did start off wanting to help women in particular, but me being me thought, ‘Why not try to help as many people as possible?’ Period poverty is a huge issue, and it really shouldn’t be. When you say it out loud, it sounds nuts! Not being able to afford a product that is needed and can’t be helped is crazy.” 

This initiative was made possible thanks to the generous support of Benefit Mankind, who provided £500 in funding to create the care bags. Their contribution has enabled Samantha to turn her vision into a reality, helping those who need it most.

Benefit Mankind Volunteer Sorting Shopping

“The most rewarding part is realising that I will be able to help at least 70 homeless people. I know it might not seem a lot, but it is a start.”  

Samantha’s commitment to Community service extends to her personal life, where she involves her family in her efforts. One of her most memorable moments was enlisting her sons to help assemble the care bags, turning a simple shopping trip into a powerful lesson in empathy and service. “For me, the most memorable moment was getting my boys to assist me in the shops and taking photos of a very demanding mummy,” she shares with a smile.

Samantha’s vision doesn’t stop with 70 care bags. She dreams of expanding this initiative across the entire Customer Hub and beyond, reaching homeless individuals nationwide.

“For the long term, I would love if all of the Customer Hub took part in helping the homeless. I know they are not our Customers, but they are still part of the Community and should not be forgotten. I would love for the care bags to eventually be nationwide…could you imagine!” Samantha says passionately.

In closing, Samantha shares a powerful reminder that encapsulates her philosophy and the ethos of Places for People: “Showing someone they are not alone is a truly precious gift.”

Samantha’s story is a testament to the incredible impact one person can make when driven by compassion and a sense of Community. At Places for People, we are proud to have People like Samantha who embody our commitment to making a real difference in the lives of others.

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