Investing in your home

We provide good quality homes that people want to live in

Our strategy for investment

We are committed to meeting the housing quality and energy standards of the Scottish Government and the Scottish Housing Regulator.

Our investment in existing homes includes:

  • Energy efficiency: new double glazing, heating systems and dedicated EESSH improvements
  • Planned maintenance: kitchens and bathrooms
  • External improvements: roof and structural repairs and external doors
  • Common area improvements: lift replacements and communal boilers

Investment Decisions

We make decisions on which homes are upgraded based on a number of sources of information.

Condition surveys and asset database

Our building surveyors continuously update our database to make sure the information we hold on each property is accurate. A condition survey covers all aspects of the home including walls, roof, floor, kitchen, bathroom, windows, and doors. It also identifies the time left until these need to be replaced.


The approximate lifespan of each component in a property is also used to determine how often it should be replaced.

Kitchen: 20 Years

Bathroom: 30 Years 

Windows: 30-50 depending on material

Doors: 20-40 depending on material

Central Heating: 10-20 Years


As a Registered Social landlord (RSL) we must meet standards set by the Scottish Government:

• Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 — landlord’s duty to repair and maintain.

• Scottish Housing Quality Standards (SHQS)

Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing (EESSH)

The EESSH Standard has been in place from April 2015 and sets targets for social landlords to meet on the energy and environmental performance of homes. The first milestone was set for December 2020 and a second milestone was confirmed in 2019 for social rented homes to meet by December 2032 (EESSH2).

Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

We hold an Energy Performance Certificate for each property and it details the energy performance and environmental impact of each property. The EPCs recommend energy efficiency measures such as insulation or new glazing. We use these to identify the work needed to meet the EESSH targets. If you need a copy of the EPC for your property please contact the Asset Team 0131 657 0600.

Home Energy Advice Team

Our Home Energy Advice Team (HEAT) give free, practical help and independent advice on any energy questions you may have. 

An energy adviser will call or visit your home and discuss any concerns and questions you may have.

To speak to the HEAT team call 0131 657 0600.

Adapting your home

A good adaptation helps people stay in their own homes for longer and eases their daily life. We receive funding from the Scottish Government and the City of Edinburgh Council to carry out medical adaptations in the properties we own. We mostly fit grab rails, handrails and wet floor showers but take referrals from occupational therapists for a range of adaptations.

If you feel you could benefit from an adaptation to your home contact your local occupational therapist through your doctor or social worker. They assess your ability to carry out everyday tasks in your own home such as preparing a meal or drink for yourself, dressing and bathing.

If the occupational therapist recommends changes to your home they’ll send us a referral with details of the recommended alterations or equipment best suited to you. They’ll also tell us how urgent the work is which means we can prioritise work as the funding is limited.

Contact the Asset Team for more information on 0131 657 0600.