
Reducing our impact on the environment.

We’re reducing our carbon footprint across the group by cutting waste and pioneering new solutions: 

  • Energy efficiency: Investing in new boilers, heating systems, windowsand doors for our affordable housing stock to cut bills for customers  
  • Cutting landfill: Dramatically reducing waste from our offices and recycling more from our maintenance and landscaping businesses
  • Green spaces: Planting trees and wildflower meadows in schools and housing developments, and revitalizing communal gardens
  • Paper and travel: Making big reductions on paper use, working remotely wherever possible and cutting our fleet emissions
Lady At Home Checking Energy Readings

Home energy advice

Case study

We referred 20 people to the Peterborough Environment City Trust for a free home energy advice consultation. The project helps customers swap to the best energy provider, offers information on warm home grants and provides advice on making homes energy efficient.