Wirral Ark - Fighting Homelessness in Wirral


Wirral Ark works to prevent homelessness by tackling the social and individual causes our clients face daily.

They aim to break the cycle of homelessness through a compassionate approach to homelessness and it’s many factors.

Once an individual has been referred to Wirral Ark, our team provide quality accommodation and wrap around support to help them on the road to recovery and aim to end the cycle of homelessness.

Wirral Ark provides a wide range of activities to promote physical and mental health and the building of relationships between clients and staff, other clients and the community in Wirral as a whole.

Wirral Ark provides a wide range of activities to promote physical and mental health and the building of relationships between clients and staff, other clients and the community in Wirral as a whole.


Get Help

If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough on the streets you can call the following people and organisations to get help.

Download the printable Wirral Ark – Get Help PDF

For Wirral you can contact:

Rough Sleeper Initiative

Email: rsiteam@birkenheadymca.co.uk or Call 07821 125119.

For Merseyside you can contact:

Call the 24-hour ‘Always Help Available’ service on 0300 123 2041

You can also make an on-line referral by following the link:

Always Help Available – The Whitechapel Centre

This service is delivered by the Whitechapel Centre.

You can also contact and report your concerns about someone to Streetlink. who look to help members of the public to connect people they are concerned are sleeping rough with the local services that can support them.


For more information

Email: enquiries@wirralark.org.uk

Telephone: 0330 1755 330