Transition Stirling - Community Food - (Stirlingshire)


Location: 5 Wellgreen Ln, Stirling, FK8 2BS

Transition Stirling is an environmental charity that focusses on helping the people of Stirlingshire, transition to a more resilient, sustainable way of living and provides a positive, local response to climate change.

Transition Stirling, in partnership with the Kitchen at 44, established Stirling Community Food in March 2020. Now based at 5 Wellgreen Lane in Stirling town centre, Stirling Community Food helps reduce food waste. Instead of supermarkets putting large volumes of excess and near-sell-by-date food in the bin, the project collects this excess food and offers it to everyone in the community for free.

For more information please visit their website:
Stirling Community Food — Transition Stirling

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