Norton Grange Community Centre - Community Pantry

Durham County

Location: 64, Somerset Road, Stockton-on-tees, TS20 2ND

During the cost of living crisis we understand more people need help for essential food, therefore Places for People have donated to various foodbank across the country to help our customers and other individuals in the community.

Everyone is welcome to come along to the community pantry at Norton Grange Community Centre to help save money on your weekly shop and household bills.

The pantry is open every Wednesday, 12pm to 2pm during term time only. 

A referral is not needed.

Food items are 5 for £1. 

You can also enjoy free meal at their lunch club which runs at the same time as the pantry, a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.

Referrals are available to help you get food and energy support.

Over the Festive period their free community Christmas meal is on Wednesday, 20 December 12:15pm to 1:15pm.

They will be closed on Wednesday 27 December and reopen as usual on Wednesday 3 January 2024.


For more information on how to get help from the Foodbank:


Telephone: 07881 940592
