Hounslow Social Supermarket

Greater London

Project runs until: 31 March 2024

Locations: St Paul’s, Bath Road, Hounslow, TW3 3DA and Good Shepherd, Beavers Lane, TW4 6H

Hope Church Hounslow runs two foodbanks and a lunch club, at two different sites. They aim to serve our local community on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays by providing food parcels for people who are in need and don’t have access to affordable food.

They have a holistic approach and have outreach workers that support with debt, mental health, local council services, employment and a local disability. Their goal is to make services accessible to the vulnerable and disadvantaged to the people who need them and help to take down barriers for people who need help.

For more information please visit their website: Hope Church Hounslow (hopehounslow.org.uk)

Telephone: 020 8581 5537

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