Employability support in the Cowgate area - Newcastle upon Tyne

Newcastle Upon Tyne

Much of our work is with those experiencing complex barriers to employment, helping to manage, or overcome those barriers, and move towards work readiness.

While most of our support is face to face, we also have a series of 40+ virtual workshops which we can deliver, as well as our own online platform where customers can complete development modules and accredited learning and qualifications.

Our current delivery in Sunderland, South Shields and Newcastle operates from a number of locations. Our delivery is peripatetic so that customers don’t have to travel far to see us. Our locations are –

-          Austin House Family Centre in Southwick

-          Our church in Millfield

-          Our church in Monkwearmouth

-          Back on the Map in Hendon

-          Swan Lodge Hostel on the south banks of the river.

-         The Salvation Army Worship & Community Centre
29-31 Stamfordham Road, Cowgate, Newcastle Upon Tyne

-         58 Wawn Street , South Shields .


Our service is part of The Salvation Army, so we absolutely put the customer at the centre of our work and we do interlink with our other services in the city and we offer all customers a safe space to discuss their circumstances and support which is tailored on their needs and wants.

For more information, please contact:-

Tel: 07501 482 928

Email: susan.park@salvationarmy.org.uk